Seth Kaller, Inc.

Inspired by History

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INV-27686 FREDERICK DOUGLASS Printed Pamphlet, The Anti-Slavery Movement. A Lecture by Frederick Douglass, Before the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Society. Rochester, New York: Lee, Mann & Co., 1855. 44 pp., 5½ x 8-5/8 in. 0000-00-00

the anti-slavery question is the great, moral and social question now before the American people.

In his 1855 lecture on the anti-slavery movement, Frederick Douglass delivered a powerful call to action by underscoring the deep contradiction between American ideals and the reality of slavery, demonstrating how this hypocrisy tainted the nation’s morality and urging all Americans to advocate for universal liberty. Douglass not only argued that the nation’s founding documents inherently opposed slavery, but also framed abolitionism as a cause accessible to all Americans, regardless of education or class.

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