Declaration of Independence Centennial (SOLD)
Newspaper. July 8, 1876.
The July 8, 1876 issue of Harper’s Weekly, containing a supplement celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, complete with a centerspread facsimile of one of Jefferson’s draft manuscripts and the signatures of the signers, along with related engravings.
Item #30011.003, SOLD — please inquire about other items
A Ruff-Necked Hummingbird by Audubon
Print. Ruff-Necked Hummingbird, [1871].
Best known for his seminal Birds of America, Audubon’s prints are among the world’s most recognized images.
Item #22114.02, $1,750
A Harlequin Duck by Audubon
Print. Harlequin Duck, [1871]. 14 x 12 in. framed.
Best known for his seminal Birds of America, Audubon’s prints are among the world’s most recognized images.
Item #22114.03, $350
The Army of the Potomac Arriving at Yorktown from Williamsburg
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, September 6, 1862.
Item #H-9-6-1862, $250
Christmas Presents
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, December 30, 1865.
Item #H-12-30-1865, $250
New England Factory Life
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, July 25, 1868.
Item #H-7-25-1868, $350
A Christmas Classic by Thomas Nast (SOLD)
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, New York, N.Y., December 24, 1881. 16 pp., 11¼ x 16 in.
CAUGHT! Thomas Nast’s classic image of Santa Claus being hugged by a little girl graces the front cover of this issue of Harper’s Weekly.
The double-page centerfold is another nice Thomas Nast Christmas print, “Christmas Fancies – ‘Don’t You Wish You Wore Stockings?’,” showing children and their dog in front of a fireplace. Will Carleton’s poem, The Christmas Tree, is illustrated with art by Howard Pyle which fills nearly an entire page. Other prints include the “Electric Railway at Berlin, Prussia,” “The Ring Theatre, Vienna, Recently Destroyed by Fire,” “Hon. Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State,” “The Late John W. Forney,” “Short and Sweet – ‘It’s Too Too Too Funny!’,” and “The Interrupted Journey.” Thomas Nast is credited with creating the modern version of Santa Claus.
Item #H 12-24-1881, SOLD — please inquire about other items
Frederick Douglass Signed Deed
Document Signed as recorder of deeds, Washington, D.C., 1881-1886. Approx. 3½ x 8½” folded. Sample Frame pictured.
While Douglass’s letters are scarce, documents signed during his tenure as recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia can be had very reasonably.
Item #20409, SOLD — please inquire about other items
‘Rally round the Flag, Boys!’ President Lincoln Centerfold
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, October 1, 1864. 16 pp., complete, disbound.
This October, 1864 issue of Harper’s Weekly has a magnificent centerfold engraving of President Lincoln—perfect for framing—with a patriotic poem below.
Item #H 10-1-1864, SOLD — please inquire about other items
Edwin M. Stanton Portrait, Based on a Photograph by Matthew Brady
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, May 26, 1866.
Item #H-5-26-1866, SOLD — please inquire about other items
Seesaw - Gloucester, MA - Drawn by Winslow Homer
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, September 12, 1874.
Item #H-9-12-1874, $295
Rebel Deserters Coming within the Union Lines
Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, July 16, 1864.
Item #H-7-16-1864, $350
Governor George Clinton Grants New York Land To Revolutionary War Veteran
Partially Printed Document Signed as Governor of New York, July 8, 1790. With original large wax pendant seal affixed at the bottom edge. 1 p., 18¼ x 11½ in., framed with archival materials to 27 x 24 in.
Granting Zacheus Kilbourn a parcel of land in Lysander Township, New York.
Item #21140, SOLD — please inquire about other items
B-Movie Actor Ronnie Reagan Tries to Avoid Typecasting (SOLD)
Autograph Letter Signed, to Sam New York, N.Y. c. 1953. 2 pp., 5¾ x 7½ in. on The Plaza Hotel letterhead.
Item #23281, SOLD — please inquire about other items
Eleanor Roosevelt Stands for Civil Rights – Her Four Freedoms (SOLD)
Typed Letter Signed as First Lady, to Addie Frizielle. Washington, D.C., May 13, 1944. 1 p., 6 1/8 x 9¼ in. On White House stationery, with original envelope.
The First Lady defends her advocacy of civil rights: “I doubt if it does any people anywhere any harm to tell them that you believe they are entitled to certain rights and you are willing to see them obtain those rights” and counters the writer’s fear of using mixed-race bathrooms at work: “if you have to use the same toilets and wash basins...[and] are nervous, there are certain precautions which you can always take.”
Item #22780, SOLD — please inquire about other items
John Marshall’s “Life of George Washington” and Companion Atlas with Hand-colored Maps
Books, The Life of George Washington Commander in Chief of the American Forces, During the War which Established the Independence of his Country and First President of the United States, Compiled Under the Inspection of the Honourable Bushrod Washington, From Original Papers Bequeathed to him by his Deceased Relative, 2nd edition, in two volumes. Philadelphia: James Crissy and Thomas Cowperthwait, 1840. 982 pp. plus index, 5½ x 9 in. Both have pencil inscription on blank fly leaf “A. Seeley 1851 Presented by T.C. Gladding.” Rebound; very good, some foxing toward the front. OCLC 183328030. With: Atlas to Marshall’s Life of Washington, Philadelphia: J. Crissy, [1832], 10 hand-colored maps. Ex-Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Massachusetts bookplate on front paste-down. Black cloth spine and corners, original green boards with label. Internally fine. OCLC 191237946.
Chief Justice John Marshall’s magisterial biography of George Washington was originally a five-volume set. This 1840 publication, revised and issued in two volumes, also includes the 1832 companion atlas of maps relating to the Revolutionary War.
Item #22477, $1,250
Ben-Gurion Calls for a Jerusalem Home for the Bible Society: “every spiritual idea, for it to exist and exert influence, needs a physical structure, too, a central home…”
Letter Signed to Menasche Elissar. 17 Kislev 5731, December 15, 1970. 1 p., 8½ x 11 in. Form letter on “The World Jewish Bible Society” letterhead. In Hebrew.
Item #20230, $1,800
Golda Meir Stresses the Need to Settle New Immigrants
Typed Letter Signed “Golda Meyerson” as Minister of Labour, to Yaakov Hazan. Jerusalem, October 23, 1954. 1 p., 6 x 8 in. In Hebrew on Ministry of Labour letterhead.
Golda Meyerson (she would change her name to Meir in 1956), promotes the idea of Mapam (the Marxist United Workers’ Party) joining Sharett’s Mapai (Workers’ Party) government. Hazan, the recipient, was one of Mapam’s co-founders.
Item #22933, $3,400
Harry S. Truman on His 1948 Proclamation Recognizing Israel
Typed Letter Signed, to Benjamin Cohen. Independence, Missouri, March 25, 1970. 1 p., 7¼ x 10½ in., with envelope with printed free frank.
“As for your interest in the proclamation of May 14, 1948, any document or statement issued by the President goes through a series of statements to make certain of its accuracy and clarity of meaning. I continue to hope that a reign of peace will soon come to pass.”
In this 1970 letter, Truman writes to Benjamin Cohen that his proclamation recognizing Israel’s independence was handled like any other presidential document. In reality, Truman’s recognition of Israel was sent only eleven minutes after receiving the news that Israel had proclaimed independence at midnight on May 14/15, 1948 (in the U.S., May 14, 6 pm, E.S.T.) The hastily typed original, with quick handwritten edits, is preserved in Truman’s Presidential Library. Secretary of State George C. Marshall and many others opposed the creation of a Jewish state. Any mention by Truman of his recognition of Israel is extremely rare.
Item #21308.01, $12,000
Adams Defends U.S. Constitution, First French Edition
Défense des Constitutions américaines, ou, de la nécessité d’une balance dans les pouvoirs d’un gouvernement libre. Paris: Chez Buisson, 1792. 2 volumes, 8vo (197 x 124 mm). Half-titles; a fresh, bright copy. Contemporary French paste paper boards, vellum-tipped corners, smooth mottled calf spines gilt, red and green lettering and numbering pieces; some worm damage to joints.
First French edition, issued at a crucial moment in that country’s history, as the Revolution was becoming more radical. In 1792 the French Assembly stripped Louis XVI of his power and declared him a prisoner of the nation. They called together the Convention, in order to draft a new constitution to replace that of the prior year. Adams’s treatise explaining and defending the principles of the constitution of the government of the United States would have been a timely and informative work for the emerging French government.
Item #26600.99, SOLD — please inquire about other items