Sex Discrimination and the Law, Inscribed to Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Co-Authors
Barbara A. Babcock, Deborah L. Rhode, Ann E. Freedman, Susan Deller Ross, Wendy Webster Williams, Rhonda Copelon, and Nadine H. Taub, Sex Discrimination and the Law: History, Practice, and Theory, 2d ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1996. Hardcover, no dust jacket. Inscribed to Justice Ginsburg by all 7 coauthors. 1,514 pp., 5¾ x 9¼ in.
This presentation copy of the second edition of Sex Discrimination and the Law: History, Practice, and Theory is inscribed by each author to U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The authors also dedicated the book “To the pioneers for equality and justice whose example and comradeship have sustained us in our efforts,” a list of seven names that includes Ginsburg.
The warm inscriptions in this landmark book thank Ginsburg “for all you have done for women”; “who has lead us and climbed with us over often rocky terrain”; for “your insight, courage creativity and persistence in carving and now in paving the path to gender justice for us and for all women”; “who has taught us so much about these issues—and so much more”; “our teacher and inspiration”; “our justice of the Supreme Court, who, as teacher, lawyer, judge and justice, creatively imagined, skillfully crafted and then delivered gender justice”; “one of the first to see, address and teach us to recognize women’s legal inequality.”
Item #27871, $22,000
The Definitive Treaty of Paris Printed in Full, Followed by a Report of British Troops Finally Leaving New York
The Independent Gazetteer; or, the Chronicle of Freedom, December 6, 1783. Philadelphia: Eleazer Oswald and David Humphreys. 4 pp., 11 x 18¼ in.
“His Britannic Majesty acknowledges the said United States...to be Free, Sovereign and Independent States....”
The complete treaty is printed in full on the first and second pages, signed in type by the American negotiators, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay, as well as the British negotiator, David Hartley.
Even after the preliminary articles of peace explicitly recognized American independence, Americans were wary that the war would resume before the final treaty was ratified and British troops were withdrawn from New York.
The definitive Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783. John Thaxter Jr., the private secretary to John Adams, arrived in Philadelphia with the treaty on November 22, 1783. The following day, the packet ship Lord Hyde landed in New York with British newspapers publishing the treaty text. The Lord Hyde then traveled to Philadelphia, further spreading the news. The Independent Gazetteer was one of the first American newspapers to print the treaty in full.
Item #27467, ON HOLD
President Theodore Roosevelt Questions Coal Monopolies and Contradictions in Report from Interstate Commerce Chairman
Typed Letter Signed, to Judson C. Clements, October 13, 1906, Washington, D.C. On “The White House” letterhead. 2 pp., 8 x 10¼ in.
These lands are probably of more fundamental consequence to the whole people than any other public lands… Might it not be well for the government to retain title and to lease the right to mine upon such terms as would attract the investment of capital for this purpose?”
Just over three months after signing the Hepburn Act, giving the Interstate Commerce Commission real regulatory power, Roosevelt responded to a letter from its Acting Chairman who was complaining of coal monopolies created by the railroads. Roosevelt strongly supports the Hepburn Act, telling Clements, “I will back you up to the limit in compelling the railroad companies to afford the independent producers proper track connections and proper transportation facilities as well as to carry the coal for reasonable charges.” Roosevelt also asserts that the nation must maintain control of its coal lands, an increasingly valuable resource in the railway age: “we should not part with anymore coal lands.”
Item #26771, $3,500
William Penn Sells Land in Pennsylvania to English Yeoman in 1681
Manuscript Document Signed, Deed to Thomas Herriot, September 11, 1681, Warminghurst, West Sussex, England. 1 p., 8¼ x 12 in.
William Penn deeds 2,500 acres of land in Pennsylvania to English yeoman Thomas Herriot in September 1681 for £50. A year later, Herriot accompanied Penn on the Welcome, bound for Pennsylvania but died on the voyage.
Item #27208, $7,500
The Acting Governor of New York Thanks William Penn for a Gift
Autograph Letter Signed to Governor William Penn. New York, May 1, 1683
“As the loadstone attracts Iron, so ought acknowledgemts to pursue faviours … [I] dare not presume any further having soe lately recd soe great a marke of your bounty….”
Deputy Governor Anthony Brockholls of New York extends a cordial note to Governor William Penn in the midst of continuing deliberations between Penn and Lord Baltimore over the southern boundary of Pennsylvania and possession of Delaware.
Item #21618, $28,000
William Penn Wanted For Treason
Newspaper. The London Gazette, February 9, 1690, 2 pp., 6¼ x 11¼ in.
Pennsylvania founder William Penn supported James II during the Glorious Revolution, James’s attempt to regain the English throne. When William and Mary ascended the throne, Penn was suspected of treason.
Item #30000.54, $900
The Magna Carta—the First Document to State that a King Was Not Entirely above the Law
Copperplate Facsimile on vellum, first edition, “By Permission of [the] … Trustees of the Cottonian Library. This Plate being a correct Copy of King John’s Great Charter… Sold by J. Pine Engraver...” Text flanked by 25 hand-colored coats of arms of English barons. Heading and dedication panel, and a tail panel containing notes and a representation of King John’s Great Seal. [1733]. 1 p., 20¼ x 29? in.
This copperplate facsimile was made in 1733 from one of the four surviving 1215 originals.
“No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, ... nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land….”
Item #27115.99, $110,000
George Washington’s Gunter’s Scale, Used for His Surveying Work
His personal Gunter’s scale surveying tool. A wooden ruler engraved with multiple scales and functions on both sides. 24 in. long x 1½ in. wide.
This scale descended in the family of Washington’s heirs, John Augustine Washington and his son, Supreme Court Justice Bushrod Washington. John was George Washington’s brother, a member of the fifth Virginia Convention and a founding member of the Mississippi Land Company. Bushrod inherited Mount Vernon.
Item #22321.99, $145,000
A French Wall Map of the Western Hemisphere
Map. L’Amerique Divisee en ses Pricipales Parties ou sont distingues les ud de autres les Estats, selon quils appartiennents presentement aux Differents Souverains De L’Europe . . . Par le Sr. Bailleul le jeune Geographe. Jean Louis Daudet, Lyon, France, 1752. Approximately 31 x 40 in., on original wooden rollers.
Item #22142, $25,000
Acquittal of Printer John Peter Zenger in Colonial New York Establishes Foundation for American Freedom of the Press
The Trial of John Peter Zenger, Of New-York, Printer: Who was charged with having printed and published a Libel against the Government; and acquitted. With a Narrative of his Case. To which is now added, being never printed before, The Trial of Mr. William Owen, Bookseller, near Temple-Bar, Who was also Charged with the Publication of a Libel against the Government; of which he was honourably acquitted by a Jury of Free-born Englishmen, Citizens of London, 1st ed. London: John Almon, 1765. Three-quarter olive calf, red morocco spine label, stamped in blind and in gilt, over marbled paper-covered boards; some sunning to leather; all edges trimmed. 60 pp., 5 x 8.25 in.
“It is not the cause of a poor printer...it is the cause of liberty.”
This volume, printed in London three decades after John Peter Zenger’s trial, illustrates the continuing relevance of his acquittal to the freedom of the press. The volume also includes the story of William Owen, a London bookseller, who had been prosecuted for libel at the request of the House of Commons in 1752. Like Zenger, Owen was also acquitted by a jury.
John Almon, a publisher and bookseller known for his commitment to the freedom of the press, printed the volume as part of his challenge to governmental censorship of the press. In the same year that Almon published this pamphlet, the attorney general prosecuted him for the publication of a pamphlet entitled Juries and Libels, but the prosecution failed.
Item #27745, $3,500
Anti-Catholic “Test Oath” Signed by George Washington – as Required to Validate his Military Commission as Lieutenant Colonel at the Outset of the French and Indian War
Manuscript Document Signed, [March 19, 1754]. With signatures of more than a dozen others, dating from Feb. 3, 1754 to Aug. 19, 1755. John West, Jr. and James Towers, whose signatures immediately follow Washington’s, subscribed on the same day, and, along with several other signers, served with Washington in the 1754 campaign. The subscribers, all Fairfax County, Va. public officials and militiamen, signed starting on the right side of the paper; a second column was then added to the left.
“there is no Transubstantiation in the sacrament of the Lords supper or in the elements of Bread and wine...”
On March 15, 1754, Governor Robert Dinwiddie enclosed Washington’s commission as lieutenant colonel of the Virginia regiment in a letter directing the young officer and his men to the Ohio Valley to help defend against approaching French forces. Four days later, Washington signed this “test oath” – required of all Virginia civil and military officers – validating his commission. He would soon find himself at the center of a battle that ignited war between Britain and France, and a defeat that led him to sign the only surrender of his entire career.
Ironically, Washington’s signature on this document launched the military and political career that eventually proved instrumental in expanding the religious freedoms that this oath sought to restrict.
Note that we have agreed to steer this to a philanthropic individual, foundation or company willing to acquire and donate this to George Washington’s Mount Vernon or the Fairfax County Circuit Court Archives. Details on request.
Pennsylvania Deputy Governor Urges General Assembly to Resist French Expansion in North America in Early Stages of the French and Indian War
Pennsylvania Gazette, October 24, 1754. Newspaper. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. 6 pp., 9¼ x 14½ in.
This issue of Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette reports the speech of Deputy Governor Morris of Pennsylvania to the General Assembly, urging them to prevent the French and their Native American allies from gaining control of the colony’s western border. The General Assembly responded that they were eager to assist but lacked any “Instructions from the Crown how to conduct ourselves on this important Occasion” and requested a recess until called together again.
Item #22426.07, $1,500
Declaration Signer Francis Hopkinson Gives Address at Academy of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Gazette, November 21, 1754. Newspaper. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. 6 pp., 9¼ x 14½ in.
This issue of Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette reports addresses by two students at the Academy of Philadelphia, including seventeen-year-old Francis Hopkinson, who went on to write music and poetry, sign the Declaration of Independence, and design the American flag. Founded in 1751, the Academy provided classical education and instruction in practical skills. Most of the trustees had received a classical education and favored a similar curriculum for the academy, but trustee Benjamin Franklin favored an education that stressed practical skills. He advocated teaching all classes in English and emphasizing mathematics and science.
Item #22426.09, $1,800
Pennsylvania Prepares to Meet French Encroachments at Start of French and Indian War
Pennsylvania Gazette, December 19, 1754. Newspaper. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. 6 pp., 9¼ x 14½ in.
This issue of Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette includes communications between Lieutenant Governor Robert Hunter Morris and the Pennsylvania General Assembly regarding responses to the French threat on the western border of the colony. Conflict between French and English forces there erupted into the French and Indian War, and globally into the Seven Years’ War.
It also includes details of a lecture by Ebenezer Kinnersley, a partner of Benjamin Franklin in experiments on electricity, and a brief notice of George Whitefield’s sermons in New York City.
Item #22426.11, $2,800
Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor and General Assembly Disagree over Military Funding at Beginning of French and Indian War
Pennsylvania Gazette, December 26, 1754. Newspaper. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. 4 pp., lacking the advertising half-sheet, 9¼ x 14½ in.
This issue of Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette includes communications between Lieutenant Governor Robert Hunter Morris and the Pennsylvania General Assembly regarding the proper mode of funding military forces to resist the French threat on the western border of the colony. Conflict between French and English forces there erupted into the French and Indian War, and globally into the Seven Years’ War.
It also includes details of a lecture by Ebenezer Kinnersley, a partner of Benjamin Franklin in experiments on electricity, and a brief notice of George Whitefield’s sermons in Philadelphia.
Item #22426.12, $2,000
General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, Printed by Benjamin Franklin
Geographical, Historical, Political, Philosophical and Mechanical Essays. The First, Containing an Analysis of a General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America; And of the Country of the Confederate Indians: A Description of the Face of the Country; … Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall, and sold by Robert and James Dodsley in London, August 1755. First edition. First state (before “The Lakes Cataraqui” caption was added just north of Lake Ontario), original hand-coloring, unfolded to 27 x 20⅛ in. Removed for conservation and display. The accompanying book is included, 7½ x 10¼ in. 36 pp.
This hand-colored General Map of the Middle British Colonies in America, and the accompanying Analysis, is a first edition, first state printing of one of the most important maps of Colonial America. Particularly due to the details of the Ohio Country, it played a key role in the French and Indian War, with General Edward Braddock using a copy in his ill-fated expedition against the French in modern-day western Pennsylvania.
Item #27200.99, $275,000
Connecticut Governor’s Proclamation Calling for a Day of Thanksgiving to Commemorate the Defeat of the French in Canada, and the Taking of Quebec
By the Honourable Thomas Fitch Esq; Governor ... of Connecticut ... A Proclamation for a Public Thanksgiving ... Thursday the sixth day of March next .... New Haven: by James Parker & Company, February 21, 1760. 12 x 14.5 inches.
Broadside with a woodcut vignette of royal British arms at the top and woodcut initial. Some loss to upper right corner, a few nicks to the left and right margins. Penned inscription on the back.
Reference: Evans 8568; ESTC W34681 (locating only 2 copies)
Item #26605, $6,500
The Repeal, Or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ-Stamp
After Benjamin Wilson, “The Repeal, Or the Funeral Procession of Miss Americ-Stamp” Political Cartoon, Printed Document, March 18, 1766. London: n.p. 1 p., 17¼ x 12 in.
Satirical print on the repeal of the Stamp Act, commissioned by the British Prime Minister.
“Within this Family Vault, Lie Interred, it is to be hoped never to rise again, The Star Chamber Court— Ship Money— Excise Money & all Imposts...which tended to alienate the Affections of Englishmen to their Country.”
This print is based on one by Benjamin Wilson commissioned by the prime minister, the Marquess of Rockingham, to convince Parliament of the benefits of the repeal. It was published on March 18, 1766, the day that Parliament voted for the repeal of the Stamp Act, but also passed the Declaratory Act. Other London printmakers soon issued their own versions, including this pirating of Wilson’s design.
Item #27747, ON HOLD
The King’s Attorney Bills Connecticut – including cost of putting down a church riot (over tithing and ecclesiastical conflict between MA. & CT.) – and Suing Stamp Tax Collectors
Autograph Document Signed (“Jeda Elderkin”), Hartford, November 9, 1768, being an accounting of monies owed to and collected by Elderkin in Connecticut for services rendered as King’s attorney from December 1754 to 1766. 2 pp., recto and verso, double-folio.
“To Trouble & Expence against Rioters at Woodstock £1… To my Trouble & Expence to bring Actions agst the Collectors of Excise pr order of Assembly, £3.10”
Item #23409, $3,500
Brown University Holds First Commencement in 1769 - as Rhode Island College
Rhode Island College, Broadside, Commencement Exercises, September 7, 1769, Warren, Rhode Island. In Latin. 15 x 18-1/2 in.
Chartered in 1764, Rhode Island College - now Brown University - began in Warren, Rhode Island. The college’s first commencement, held on September 7, 1769, was the only one in Warren. In 1770, the college moved to Providence, and in 1804, the name was changed to Brown University.
This broadside, issued under the authority of the first chancellor, Stephen Hopkins, lists the seven members of the college’s first graduating class: Joseph Belton, Joseph Eaton, William Rogers, Richard Stites, Charles Thompson, James Mitchell Varnum, and William Williams.
The commencement was held at the Baptist Church in Warren. The event’s principal feature was a “Disputatio forensica,” or forensic debate, on the thesis “The Americans, in their present Circumstances, cannot, consistent with good Policy, affect to become an independent State.” According to reporting in The Newport MercurySeptember 11, 1769, James Mitchell Varnum (the future Continental Army General) defended the thesis “by cogent arguments,” and William Williams opposed it “subtilely, but delicately.” The president and graduating students made their opinion evident in their apparel; all were dressed in American manufactures. William Rogers also delivered an oration on benevolence, and Richard Stites gave an oration in Latin on the advantages of liberty and learning. Charles Thompson delivered the valedictory oration.
Item #27380.02, ON HOLD