Seth Kaller, Inc.

Inspired by History

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INV-23393 SYLVESTER PATTIE Document Signed. Promissory Note with Pattie signing as witness. No place, October 20, 1800. 1 p., 7¾ x 2¾ Docketed on the verso and signed by Boyd with his mark. 1800-10-20
$ 2,250.00 [Remove]
INV-22444.26 [WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE] Pamphlet. “What President Wilson Says,” New York: National Woman Suffrage Publishing Co., ca. June-October 1917. 4 pp., 5 x 7 in. 1917-06-01

This pamphlet, issued by the New York State Woman Suffrage Party, quoted speeches and letters by President Woodrow Wilson to urge New York men to vote for woman suffrage on November 6, 1917.

$ 350.00 [Remove]
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