Seth Kaller, Inc.

Inspired by History

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INV-H 6-11-1864 [EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION] Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, June 11, 1864. 16 pp., complete, disbound. 1864-06-11

Featuring illustrations of Philadelphia Sanitary Fair Central buildings, and Generals Gouverneur Warren and Horatio Wright on the front page. “Belle Plain, Virginia General Grant’s Late Base of Supplies”; “Army of the Potomac—General Warren Rallying the Marylanders”; “President Lincoln and His Secretaries”; Centerfold: “Army of the Potomac—Struggle for the Salient, near Spottsylvania [sic], Virginia, May 12, 1864”; three illustrations of the environs of Spottsylvania [sic] Court House; “Sherman’s Advance—General Logan’s Skirmishes Advancing Toward: the Railroad at Resaca”; and “Sherman’s Advance—Position of Osterhau’s Division on Bald Hill.”

$ 150.00 [Remove]
INV-24200 [THEODORE ROOSEVELT] Rough Rider Doll, ca. 1900. Made of felt, brass, leather and linen. The face appears to be hand-painted. The head and body are filled with straw or wood shavings. 10 in. 1900-01-01
$ 1,898.00 [Remove]
Subtotal $ 2,048.00
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Shipping and Insurance $ 10.00
TOTAL $ 2,058.00