Seth Kaller, Inc.

Inspired by History

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INV-27106 [THIRTEENTH AMENDMENT] Photomontage of the Congressional supporters of the Thirteenth Amendment, which ended slavery in the United States. Composite oval albumen photograph, 13¾ x 16 in., credited in negative, on the original mount, 18⅛ x 20¼ in. New York: G. M. Powell and Co., 1865. Manuscript annotation on verso: “George May Powell / Great National Picture / Photograph of Members of United States House of Representatives and the Senate who voted Aye on Resolution to amend the Constitution of the United States so as to prohibit slavery. Passed Senate April 1864. Passed House of Representatives January 1866 [1865]. Abraham Lincoln – president.” 1865-01-31

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,...shall exist within the United States....

$ 1,950.00 [Remove]
Subtotal $ 1,950.00
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TOTAL $ 1,960.00