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Abraham Lincoln

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Reporting the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
and the Union Victory That Precipitated It (SOLD)

[EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION], Newspaper. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, New York, N.Y., October 11, 1862. 16 pp., 11 x 16 in.


Reporting the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day in American history, and the occasion for Lincoln to issue his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation warning the South to return to the Union or face losing their slaves.

Item #22501.41, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Congressional Copy of The 13th Amendment
Signed by Abraham Lincoln (SOLD)

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Document Signed (“Abraham Lincoln”) as President, [Washington, D.C., ca. February 1, 1865]. Co-signed by Hannibal Hamlin as Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate, Schuyler Colfax as Speaker of the House, 37 of the 38 senators and 114 of the 119 Congressmen who voted for it. One of six or seven known “Congressional” copies of the Thirteenth Amendment signed by Lincoln and members of the Senate and House who voted in favor of the resolution [and one of thirteen or fourteen known copies signed by Lincoln]. 1 page, 20 5/8 x 15 3/8”, engrossed on lined vellum.


“Neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States…”

Item #21902, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Unrecorded Broadside of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address (SOLD)

ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Broadside, “Inauguration of President Lincoln, March 4th, 1865.” [ca. March 4, 1865]. 10 7/8 x 13½ in.


“With malice toward none, with charity for all”

Item #22093, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Abraham Lincoln’s Dividers – Used to Trace Distances
on Civil War Maps (SOLD)

[ABRAMHAM LINCOLN]; ROBERT TODD LINCOLN, Folding Metal Dividers (Calipers). Approximately 5” long. With:


A crucial tool used to follow and plan troop movements and Civil War strategies.

Lincoln’s family was besieged with requests for souvenirs after his death. Here Robert Todd Lincoln sends a very meaningful relic to one of his father’s closest wartime associates.

Exhibit History

“The Tsar and the President,” Moscow and St. Petersburg, Feb. – July, 2011; “Lincoln, Life-Size,” Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Ct., Feb. – June, 2010.

Item #21925, SOLD — please inquire about other items

The Gettysburg Address, with Full Centerfold Illustrations of the Battlefield and Lincoln’s Dedication Ceremony (SOLD)

[ABRAHAM LINCOLN]. GETTYSBURG ADDRESS, Newspaper. Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, New York, December 5, 1863. 16 pp., complete.


“and that Government of the people, for the people, and for all people, shall not perish from earth.”

Item #22629.01, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Six Months of Britain’s Punch Magazine,
with Numerous Engravings Showing Lincoln’s Frustration
at the War’s Progress

[ABRAHAM LINCOLN], Newspapers. Punch, or the London Chariari, London, England, July 5, 1862 through December 27, 1862. Bound volume of 26 weekly issues, 9 x 11 in., tight, gold-embossed boards.


Item #22848, SOLD — please inquire about other items

President Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
Reported by Harper’s

[ABRAHAM LINCOLN], Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, New York, N.Y., March 18, 1865. 16 pp., 11¼ x 16 in.


“until every drop of blood drawn by the lash shall be paid with another drawn with the sword.”

Item #H 3-18-1865, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Lincoln’s Spot Resolutions

[ABRAHAM LINCOLN], Newspaper. National Intelligencer, Thursday, December 23, 1847. Washington: Gales & Seaton . 4 pp. Offered with another issue of the National Intelligencer, January 20, 1848. 4 pp.


Lincoln’s spot resolution and speech condemns the pretexts for starting the war with Mexico. He requests proof from President Polk that American blood was shed on American soil and that the enemy provoked the Americans, and he asks if those Americans present were ordered there by the United States Army.

Item #22094.01 -.02, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Illustrations of African Americans Freeing Themselves
by Moving Toward Union Lines

[EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION], Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, February 21, 1863. 16 pp., complete, disbound.


General Tom Thumb and his bride grace the front page, but “The Effects of the Proclamation—Freed Negroes Coming Into Our Lines at Newbern, North Carolina” is the most significant illustration, occupying all of the fourth page. Also, “Departure of the Great Southern Expedition from Beaufort, North Carolina”; The Rebel Rams Engaging Our Blockading Fleet Off Charleston, South Carolina”; “Hearts and Hands, St. Valentine’s Day, 1863” is the romantic centerfold; “Ft.  Hindman, Arkansas”; “Iron Clad ‘Montauk’ Engaging the Rebel Fort M’Allister in the Ogeechee River.”

Item #H 2-21-1863, SOLD — please inquire about other items

The Emancipation Proclamation

[EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION], Newspaper. Harper’s Weekly, January 17, 1863. 16 pp., complete, disbound.


Two black teamsters duel on the front page; the text of the Emancipation Proclamation is printed on page 2; the execution of 38 Indian murderers at Mankato, Minnesota on page 4, Thomas Nast centerfold: “The War in the West, the War in the Border States.”

Also, illustrations: Winslow Homer, “A Shell in the Rebel Trenches”; a map of Mississippi; the “Reception of the Authorities of New Orleans by General Butler”; “General Bank’s Forces Landing at Baton Rouge, Louisiana”; “Brigadier General James Blunt”; “Brigadier General John M’Neil”; and a cartoon of a black man celebrating his emancipation by declaring himself no longer part of a farm’s livestock, but instead a man.

Item #H 1-17-1863, SOLD — please inquire about other items

Frederick Douglass Signed Deed

FREDERICK DOUGLASS, Document Signed as recorder of deeds, Washington, D.C., 1881-1886. Approx. 3½ x 8½” folded. Sample Frame pictured.


While Douglass’s letters are scarce, documents signed during his tenure as recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia can be had very reasonably.

Item #20409, SOLD — please inquire about other items

The Lincoln - Grimsley Trunk (SOLD)

[ABRAHAM LINCOLN], Dome-top wooden and undressed-cowhide trunk, with key. Label of “William Judson, Trunk Maker… York, [England].” Original hand wrought hardware, including lock and key.


Just before setting off to begin his presidency, Lincoln stored his personal effects in this trunk.

A week before embarking on his historic rail journey from Springfield to the nation’s capital, President-elect Lincoln filled this much-used trunk with his and Mary Todd Lincoln’s personal effects. He delivered it for safekeeping to Mary’s favorite cousin, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Todd Grimsley.

Item #21924, SOLD — please inquire about other items
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