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Fair Pay Advocate Lilly Ledbetter Inscribes Copy of Grace and Grit to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Dissenter Who Supported Her at the U.S. Supreme Court

[RUTH BADER GINSBURG]., Lilly Ledbetter and Lanier Scott Isom, Grace and Grit: My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness at Goodyear and Beyond, 1st ed. New York: Crown, 2012. Hardcover, dust jacket. Inscribed to Justice Ginsburg: “To: Justice Ginsburg: Thank you—my hero! You are my inspiration! Best Wishes– Lilly Ledbetter.” Also signed by Lanier Isom. 288 pp., 6¼ x 9? in. WITH: [RUTH BADER GINSBURG]. Carolyne Wright, M. L. Lyons, and Eugenia Toledo, eds., Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Workspace, 1st ed. Sandpoint, ID: Lost Horse Press, 2015. Hardcover, dust jacket. Inscribed to Justice Ginsburg: “For Justice Ginsburg, With profound thanks for your occupying a workspace on behalf of justice for women. Best Wishes, Carolyn / June 2017.” 264 pp., 6 x 9 in.


This presentation copy of Lilly Ledbetter’s memoir is inscribed to Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, “my hero!” as Ledbetter refers to her. Ginsburg wrote a strong dissent in the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision against Ledbetter in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. (2007), which led Congress to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009.

Also included is a presentation copy of an anthology of poetry about women in the workplace is inscribed to Ginsburg, whom lead editor Carolyne Wright thanks for “occupying a workspace on behalf of justice for women.”

Item #27867, $9,000

Al Gore Inscribes His Book on Dangers to Democracy to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

[RUTH BADER GINSBURG], Al Gore, The Assault on Reason. New York: The Penguin Press, 2007. First edition, publisher’s cloth, original dust jacket. Inscribed to Justice Ginsburg: “For Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. / With deepest respect and with thanks for administering my oath of office as V.P. / Al Gore / June, 2007.” 320 pp., 6? x 9½ in.


Former Vice President Al Gore inscribed this copy of his book The Assault on Reason to Justice Ginsburg, specifically thanking her for administering his oath of office for his second term as vice president in 1997.

The Assault on Reason is an analysis of what Gore refers to as the “emptying out of the marketplace of ideas” in civic discourse during the administration of George W. Bush (2001-2009). He argues that television has negatively influenced public discourse and endangers American democracy.

Item #27859, $25,000

Albert Einstein by Marc Mellon

[ALBERT EINSTEIN], Bronze sculpture, signed © Marc Mellon 2002. 23 in. high x 14 in. wide x 14 in. deep; base 4 in. high x 12 x 12. Number 5 of an edition limited to 9.


Item #26003.05, $76,000

What Do Women Want? Inscribed by Erica Jong to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

[RUTH BADER GINSBURG], Erica Jong, What Do Women Want? Bread Roses Sex Power. New York: HarperCollins, 1998. First edition, hardcover, no dust jacket. Inscribed to Justice Ginsburg: “For Ruth & Marty Ginsberg [sic] / Warmly / E J / 23 Sept 98.” 224 pp., 6½ x 10 in.


This presentation copy of novelist Erica Jong’s collection of essays is inscribed to U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Jong’s volume is entitled What Do Women Want?, a reference to a famous statement by Sigmund Freud to Marie Bonaparte: “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’”

Jong’s essays discuss women, the women’s movement, literature, contemporary culture, and travel, and received mixed reviews. Critics found the volume “embarrassingly unsophisticated”; “Jong at her best and worst, alternately flailing wildly and landing squarely on the mark”; “sometimes a lot of fun to read. The ‘sometimes’ is the problem with this random collection of essays”; and one suggested that “Jong should stick to fiction writing.” Other reviewers found that “Jong lays it on the line in these potent essays about women’s lives, writing with acuity, gutsiness, and humor” and found her essays “vigorous, bright, and forthright.”

Item #27863, $7,500

Winston Churchill by Marc Mellon

[WINSTON CHURCHILL], Bronze sculpture signed, inscribed © Marc Mellon 1998, stamped “4/9”. 17" high x 14" wide x 11.5" deep, plus green marble base 4" high x 8.5" wide x 6.5" deep.


Item #26002.04, $55,000

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inscribes Her Speech to National Association of Women Judges on “Way Pavers”

RUTH BADER GINSBURG and Laura W. Brill, “Women In the Federal Judiciary: Three Way Pavers and the Exhilarating Change President Carter Wrought,” Fordham Law Review 64 (November 1995): 281-290. Inscribed by Justice Ginsburg on the front wrapper: “Cheers on the publication of Presumed Equal / Ruth Bader Ginsburg,” ca. 1997. 10 pp.


This article from a law review reproduces Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s address to the National Association of Women Judges and is inscribed by Ginsburg to either Suzanne Nossel or Elizabeth Westfall, who authored Presumed Equal: What America’s Top Women Lawyers Really Think About Their Firms, based on surveys sent to women attorneys in 1995. Ginsburg’s address highlights the contributions of three “way pavers” for women in the judiciary: Florence Ellinwood Allen (1884-1966), Burnita Shelton Matthews (1894-1988), and Shirley Mount Hufstedler (1925-2016).

Item #27857, $25,000

Mikhail Gorbachev in Israel: Bar Ilan University Speech on Religion, Perestroika, Creative Genius & Forces of Annihilation

MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, Typed Document Signed, Speech Delivered at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, June 16, 1992, signed “M Gorbachev” in blue ink at top of first page and dated “16 vi 92.” 6 pp., 8⅝ x 11⅛ in.


“Scientific successes in the 20th century made for an unprecedented upsurge of the creative force of human genius… Yet, at the same time, they unleashed unheard-of forces of annihilation, of subjugation of many by man, of destruction of the environment. …

“The idea of perestroika was to free society from totalitarianism, arbitrariness, coercion and violence, to give people freedom, while at the same time bringing about a change in international relations.”

Item #24764, $2,800

“George Washington” - Keith Carter Photograph

[GEORGE WASHINGTON]. KEITH CARTER, Photograph. Child holds his copy of Gilbert Stuart’s famous “Athenaeum” portrait of George Washington. 1990. Number 6 of 50, 15 x 15 in.


Item #25394, $4,800

Alex Haley Signed Check

ALEX HALEY, Signed Check, September 20, 1988. Drawn on the First Tennessee Bank in Knoxville. To “Patricia Alexander”. With “Love!” in the memo field and on the back is her endorsement and a note that says “Thanks!”.


Item #20432.02, $350

Weeks After Surviving an Assassination Attempt, Ronald Reagan Writes to a Pardoned FBI Agent: “I couldn't push bureaucracy into a higher speed.”

RONALD REAGAN, Autograph Draft Letter Initialed, to Edward S. Miller, [April 28, 1981], Washington, DC. On yellow-lined notepad paper. 1 p, 8½ x 11 in.


On April 15, 1981, two weeks after he was wounded in an assassination attempt, President Reagan pardoned FBI agents W. Mark Felt (1913-2008) and Edward S. Miller. They had been convicted of authorizing unconstitutional searches of the homes of U.S. citizens in 1972 and 1973 in the Nixon administration’s search for members of the Weather Underground and other opponents of the Vietnam War. Former President Richard Nixon and five former Attorneys General testified on behalf of Felt and Miller.

In his pardon message, Reagan declared, “During their long careers, Mark Felt and Edward Miller served the Federal Bureau of Investigation and our nation with great distinction. To punish them further - after 3 years of criminal prosecution proceedings - would not serve the ends of justice.” He continued, “America was at war in 1972, and Messrs. Felt and Miller followed procedures they believed essential to keep the Director of the FBI, the Attorney General, and the President of the United States advised of the activities of hostile foreign powers and their collaborators in this country.”

In 2005, Felt revealed that he had been the confidential informant “Deep Throat,” who had provided information to The Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in the Watergate scandal.

Item #27888, $2,500

Hillary Clinton Thanks Doctor for Policy Change to Allow Fathers to Be in Delivery Room for Caesarean Sections

HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, Autograph Letter Signed, to Paul N. Means, June 28, [1980], Little Rock, Arkansas. On Arkansas Governor’s Mansion notecard. 1 p., 5 x 7¼ in.


Thanking Dr. Paul Means for helping to change the policy of Baptist Medical Center in Little Rock to allow fathers to be present for Caesarean-section births. Four months earlier, she had given birth there to Chelsea Victoria, and Governor Bill Clinton had insisted on being present at the delivery.

Item #26561, $1,250

Arthur Ashe’s United Negro College Fund Benefit Silver Bowl Trophy

[ARTHUR ASHE], United Negro College Fund Silver Bowl, October 1977. Inscribed “UNCF- Arthur Ashe 3rd Annual Tennis Benefit / [sponsor] Burger King Corporation” 8 x 3¾ in.


Item #25681, $3,400

The Pentagon Papers:
William Bundy’s Annotated Copy

[VIETNAM WAR], Books. The Pentagon Papers. Boston: Beacon Press, 1971-1972. First Editions. Five paperback books, volumes I-IV in green printed covers, volume V in orange. 5¾ x 9 inches each. Pages varies by volume. Volume V (Critical Essays, edited by Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn) has a Beacon Press review copy slip taped to the half-title and an address label paperclipped to the same page. The label is addressed to Bundy as editor of Foreign Affairs and has a handwritten date, “9/25/72.”


William Bundy’s 5-volume set of the “Senator Gravel Edition” of the Pentagon Papers, with annotations, marginal notes, and two legal-size pages with handwritten notes arranged chronologically.

Item #21291, $3,500

Ben-Gurion Calls for a Jerusalem Home for the Bible Society: “every spiritual idea, for it to exist and exert influence, needs a physical structure, too, a central home…”

DAVID BEN-GURION, Letter Signed to Menasche Elissar. 17 Kislev 5731, December 15, 1970. 1 p., 8½ x 11 in. Form letter on “The World Jewish Bible Society” letterhead. In Hebrew.


Item #20230, $1,800

Ben-Gurion Attempts to Convince the Israeli Government to Attack Jordan, After Jordan Violated the Cease-fire Ending the Six Day War

DAVID BEN-GURION, Autograph Letter Signed, to ?, April 10, 1970, Sde Boker, Israel. In Hebrew. 2 pp., 4.75 x 7.5 in.


I brought to the Government a proposal, since Jordan violated the conditions of the cease-fire I proposed starting a war with Jordan.. .. The Government rejected this proposal, even though we were sure that in a week or ten days we would conquer the entire Jerusalem and Hebron District....

Item #26110, $3,200

Harry S. Truman on His 1948 Proclamation Recognizing Israel

HARRY S. TRUMAN, Typed Letter Signed, to Benjamin Cohen. Independence, Missouri, March 25, 1970. 1 p., 7¼ x 10½ in., with envelope with printed free frank.


As for your interest in the proclamation of May 14, 1948, any document or statement issued by the President goes through a series of statements to make certain of its accuracy and clarity of meaning. I continue to hope that a reign of peace will soon come to pass.

In this 1970 letter, Truman writes to Benjamin Cohen that his proclamation recognizing Israel’s independence was handled like any other presidential document. In reality, Truman’s recognition of Israel was sent only eleven minutes after receiving the news that Israel had proclaimed independence at midnight on May 14/15, 1948 (in the U.S., May 14, 6 pm, E.S.T.) The hastily typed original, with quick handwritten edits, is preserved in Truman’s Presidential Library. Secretary of State George C. Marshall and many others opposed the creation of a Jewish state. Any mention by Truman of his recognition of Israel is extremely rare.

Item #21308.01, $12,000

Picasso Anti-War Image Used to Promote Vietnam War Protest

PABLO PICASSO. VIETNAM WAR, March Against Death, March on Washington. Washington, DC: New Mobilization Committee, November 13, 1969. Two-color poster, illustrated with a Picasso image, by permission of the artist. 23 x 15 inches. Very fine.


Picasso donated a pen and ink “machines of war” drawing that served as the basis of this print to use in promoting the anti-war march planned for November 13-15, 1969. 250,000 or more people attended the march.

Item #22462, $1,200

Georgia O’Keeffe—Folding Safari Chair Used for Painting in the Desert

[GEORGIA O’KEEFFE], Folding Safari Chair. Given to artist Marilynn Thuma (aka Mym Tuma), in July 1969. 22 x 22 x 37¾ in.


While visiting Georgia O’Keeffe at Ghost Ranch in July 1969, fellow artist Mym Tuma was surprised when O’Keeffe asked her if she wanted her folding safari chair that she used for painting in the desert.

“Do you want it? You may have it. I’ve been meaning to have a cover made for it. The arms are shredded.”—Georgia O’Keeffe quoted in Mym Tuma diary entry, July 1969

Item #26261.01, $15,000

Golda Meir Invites an American Semiconductor Pioneer to an Israeli Economic Conference

GOLDA MEIR, Typed Letter Signed as Prime Minister, to Albert Soffa. Jerusalem, May 29, 1969. 2 pp. 8½ x 11 in. On Israeli Prime Minister letterhead.


Item #23283, $2,400

Jackie Robinson says a talk radio host “needs to do a lot of soul searching.”

JACKIE ROBINSON, Autograph Letter Signed, to Jon Anthony Dosa, ca. 1968-1969. Written on letterhead of St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco. 2 pp., 7¼ x 10½ in.


He needs to do a lot of soul searching for he is the kind of guy we fear. His opportunity to spread his views and his cleverness will continue to be a stumbling block before we reach peace here at home.

Item #25009, $5,500
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